Bogart Wealth Guides:

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When you lose a loved one, logistics and money management are rarely top of mind. And yet, the decisions we make following a death may have wide-reaching consequences.
While advanced planning can help, survivors are often left juggling affairs. Learn the steps you should take after losing a loved one so you can focus your energy on more important matters.
Immediate Needs Checklist
Depending on the circumstances, some of these things may happen automatically. For instance, if the death occurs at a hospital, they likely have a process in place or a liaison to help. Regardless, make sure these things happen as soon as possible after death.
Considerations Checklist
Exact next steps vary. The executor (of the will), trustee (of a trust), or judge (in probate) will likely lead the way. This guide can help you manage affairs if you’re in charge… or better understand the process if you’re in a supporting role.
Government Affairs Checklist
Whether its taxes or Social Security, dealing with the government in relation to a death can feel daunting. You may want to hire a CPA, particularly if there’s a trust involved as the trust may have its own tax requirements.
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